Cisco Voice Over IP Version 4.2 Student Guide

January 26, 2012 Posted by bazungu

Cisco Voice Over IP Version 4.2 Student Guide

The Cisco Voice over IP (CVOICE) course provides an understanding of converged voice and
data networks as well as the challenges faced by their various technologies. The course presents
Cisco Systems solutions and implementation considerations to address those challenges.

Upon completing this course, you will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Describe the similarities and differences between traditional PSTN voice networks and IP telephony solutions
  • Explain the processes and standards for voice digitization, compression, digital signaling, and fax transport as they relate to VoIP networks
  • Configure voice interfaces on Cisco voice-enabled equipment for connection to traditional, nonpacketized telephony equipment
  • Configure the call flows for POTS, VoIP, and default dial peers
  • Describe the fundamentals of VoIP and identify challenges and solutions regarding its implementation
  • Compare centralized and decentralized call control and signaling protocols
  • Describe specific voice quality issues and the QoS solutions used to solve them


Download: link 1 | link 2

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